5 thoughts on “Do cats need a bath?”

  1. Cats are very clean animals. Generally, they do not need to take a bath. If they are raised at home, it is enough to wash it every three to four months. There is oil on the cat hair to prevent water and dust. Cats are prone to dirty, and because the skin is dry, it is easy to cause skin diseases and parasitic invasion.
    Pucting information: Safety items that cats should pay attention to at home:
    1. Before the new cat comes home, you must move dangerous items to places where cats can't hold.
    2, do not let the cat run into the furnace. Or install a guardrail on the side of the furnace.
    3. Pay attention to the door of the washing machine, refrigerator, freezer, oven, microwave oven.
    4, valuable and fragile furnishings should be placed where the cat is not enough.
    5. Remember not to plant toxic plants in the room and other activities of the cat. Some plants are toxic to cats.
    6. Whatever garbage waste, don't let cats touch.
    Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia

  2. You do n’t take a bath, cats are full of bacteria, and this is also normal. Take humans, and there are countless bacteria into the human body if you inhale a bite of air. There will be a large amount of bacteria excreted in exhalation. Will you think that your breathing is unhygienic?
    The cats now have many types of cats. If it is a normal evolving cat, theoretically hate bathing, because their evolutionary living environment is rarely related to water, and they are based on their physiological characteristics and living habits. They hate water, so bathing them are a very annoying animal, and some wild raccoon cats may not take a bath once in their lives, but no one will dislike them. Bacteria is not important.
    but the cats raised by ordinary people are different. The variety has been manually improved, and everything is evolved according to human wishes with reference to human aesthetic concepts, and the cat's own habits have changed, and the habit of the cat itself has changed, and the habit of the cat itself has changed, and the habit of the cat itself has changed, and the habit of the cat itself has changed. They have completely lost their wildness and depend on human breeding. Therefore, when it depends on human survival, it loses some power. If humans think that it is dirty, it will take a bath for it. It likes it or does not like it.
    but whether the cat is bathing or not, whether the cat needs to take a bath. It is certain that there are many bacteria on the cat, and the human body is taking a bath 24 hours a day. The bathroom, the same body, is the same, because bacteria are ubiquitous. Many bacteria are still in the relationship between humans and cats. Not all bacteria will cause harm to humans and cats. Only those pathogenic bacteria are harmful. And these pathogenic bacteria can be removed by taking a bath or two baths, so the cat is not washed or washed every day, but it can be washed and did not wash, but it is not washed and did not wash. How much is not directly related, don't mix it.

  3. Everyone who raises cats will know that cats hate bathing. Every time they take a bath for the cat, they must be prepared to fight. Since cats hate and resist bathing, is it a cruel behavior to take a bath for cats? Or, bathing for cats is just human preferences and cats do not need?

    has many cats in the Eight Sauce. Since the cat raises, I have maintained the frequency of taking a bath for the cat for three or four months The medicine bath will be more frequent). The reason for choosing this frequency is because the next day after taking a bath for the cat, the eight sauce will give the cat to remove insects in vitro.
    of course, in the natural situation, cats will definitely not take a bath, so cats are afraid that water is more afraid of things that are not familiar with. If the kitten we raised in our family is accustomed to bathing, in fact, bathing is not a cruel thing for it. As a home -raising pet, it is necessary to take a bath regularly.
    The first, you can wash some dirty things stained on the cat's hair through a bath, which is necessary to keep home hygiene.
    The second, while taking a bath for the cat, you can also carefully check whether the cat's skin has skin diseases or other damage, early detection and treatment early. If a cat is found to have a skin disease, you can choose a medicinal bath for the cat to take a bath.
    Third, you can make the frequency of bathing with the frequency of in vitro deworming, so that the cat is "greatly cleaned" every three or four months, which is greatly beneficial to the cat's health.

    It, many cats are shocked by bathing, not caused by bathing, but because of the noise of the water or the noise of the hair dryer. If you can take a bath for the cat, try to reduce the sound of the water flow, and switch to the cat to bathe the cat with "stinging" water, and the cat's response will be much calm. In addition, when the cat blows dry hair, try to close the cat in a small cage as much as possible, so as to prevent the cat from being stunned by the owner because of the noise of the hair dryer.
    This cats are necessary to take a bath regularly, but please pay attention to the frequency of bathing. Do not diligently, because this will destroy the cat's skin and hair, make hair lose luster, and cause hair loss and other skin diseases.

  4. Of course, the kitten has to take a bath. You don't have to wash too hard. Wash it once a month. Note the following points:
    1, do not wash after eating, wait for about half an hour before washing. If you take a bath immediately after eating, the movement is too large, and the kitten is wet. It will lick, which will make it prone to nausea and vomiting.
    2, do not use human shampoo to take a bath, it is best to use a special cat bath. Although people can wash it with shampoo, there is no effect of sterilization and mites, especially if the kittens have fleas, the result of shampoo can cause horror to flood. Essence Essence My miserable front car. Essence Essence Essence
    3, do not rush with shower. If you want to let it go there and let you wash it, don't give it too exciting to take a bath, but to wash slowly. The water is too hot. Before the boiling water pipe, you must try the water temperature, just warm the warmth, and pay attention not to rush it on its head. When you need to rinse your head, you should also pay attention not to rush straight to its head , Nose, mouth, ears, rush to its head, and wipe it forward with your hands.
    4, cats are like children, they have to coax when taking a bath. Make it with a gentle voice and let it not be afraid. Don't reprimand, don't hit it. If you don't want to fight with it every time you take a bath, you must treat it gently. When it strongly resists, press it gently, stop it for the time being, coax it, coax it, and coax it. Wait for it for a while, then wash it slowly.
    5, prepare a few dry towels, just dry it after washing. Do not have to use a hair dryer. Of course, it is also possible to use a hair dryer to dry it quickly in winter, but it depends on whether the kitten is usually used to it.

    This Mickey is okay when taking a bath. It is very good. I want to blow it with a hair dryer in winter. It is basically difficult, and I escape with a little looseness. Essence After a winter, I couldn't make it accustomed to a hair dryer, but made it very afraid of taking a bath. This smart guy, now when I hear that I put water in the pot, I will immediately slip under the bed and hide it. Essence Essence Essence

    For cats, the most comfortable living environment is the environment of clean, warm, and love it. Just change fresh food, water, and cat sand for cats every day. Cat likes your attention the most, likes you hug it every day, take a paper ball to play with it, let it lie on your stomach and read the cat sutra, listen to you a few words of cats If it is, it will be very happy. Other substances are secondary.
    It hope to solve your problem.

  5. Yes, if the short -haired cat can be washed once a few months, the long hair cat is enough once a month. Usually, combing Mimi hair can also ensure the cleaning of Mimi. Because cats need to secrete sebum to protect their hair. If they are washed too much and the skin protection ability decreases, it will cause skin cancer, and it is best to use pet fragrance waves to avoid people with shampoo and violin.
    Also, to keep the home clean is the most effective way:)
    If bathing method:
    To prepare some utensils in bathing, the use of bathtubs, bath towels, bath liquids, combs, cotton swabs, eye drops, hair dryers, etc.
    ★ Preparatory work:
    1. Long hair cats need to be combed by the hair, otherwise it will be easier to knot.
    2. Before bathing, cut your nails, cut professional nails, and cut out the nails.
    3. If your kitten is conflict or particularly sensitive to bathing, you can put it on the Elizabeth circle to prevent it from biting people.
    4. Before taking a bath, you should also let the kitten perform mild activities to discharge the cat's urine.
    ★ Bathing:
    If a cat with a bathing habit from a young age, you can complete the cat's bath by one person, but the naughty cat or a cat who does not develop a bath habit requires two people to cooperate with It's right. The amount of bath water should not be drowned. The room temperature is between 20-25 degrees Celsius, you can try the water temperature by hand, just feel gentle.
    This gently squeeze water on the cat or spray with water slowly. Be careful not to splash water droplets, because the droplets splash may scare the cat. After the cat is wet, use detergent or neutral soap to gently knead from the order of the head, neck, back, tail, abdomen to limbs to make foam, and then rinse it with another pot of water or spray. Throughout the washing process, the cat cannot be flooded, preventing the water from being poured into the cat's ears, and avoiding the soap foam to stimulate the cat's eyes. The movement should be quickly completed in a short time.
    ★ After bathing:
    Plipped the water and rinse it, immediately use a dry bath towel to suck the water on the kitten's body. If it is a long -haired cat, it is not suitable to wipe with a bath towel.
    ★ When bathing the cat, pay attention to a few problems:
    1. The water temperature should not be too low or too high. It is advisable to keep the hand warm.
    2. The detergent used used should not be too irritating to avoid stimulating the skin. After bathing, the cat's eyes dripped oily eye drops and rinsed the eyes to protect the eyes.
    3. For long -haired cats, it should be fully sorted out before taking a bath to remove the hair that is shedd to prevent tangles from being washed.
    4. In June, the kitten is easy to get sick. Generally, do not take a bath. The number of cats over June or more should not take too many baths. Generally, long hair cats are 1-2 times a month. It is appropriate. Can't take a bath before the vaccine. The kitten who did not take vaccines is very low, and it is easy to take a bath and cause more serious problems. After two weeks of vaccine, wash it before washing!
    5. Use a cat -specific bath. It is best to use pet fragrance waves to avoid the toxic and side effects of shampoo. Due to the large alkaline of adult shampoo, it can
    The cinels on the skin of dogs and cats are very clean. Everyone knows that the sebaceous gland secretes oil on the skin, protects the skin, and prevents dry cracking. If the oil is washed away and the skin resistance is reduced, it is easy to infect bacterial, fungal or chigger skin diseases. Bathing for dogs and cats, it is best to take a bath with a cat. If you can't buy it, you can use a baby to take a bath or a neutral soap and soap.
    6. Be careful not to make your ears and eyes water in the process of bathing. You can plug a cotton ball in your ears. After bathing, wipe the water in the ears with a cotton swab. To protect the eyes of the kitten during the bath, try not to make the bath water enter. If you find that the cat's eyes are discomfort, rinse it with a cat's special eye drops immediately.
    7. Pay attention to cleaning the tail. The cat's tail is easy to stain, especially the male cat, excrete the secretion from the root of the tail, and often sticks to dirt. This kind of dirt cannot be washed with water. Use a toothbrush to dip the detergent to brush (such as toothbrushes dipped with enzyme washing powder), and then rinse with warm water.

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