The Xiaomi mobile phone just bought is broken. What is needed to bring?

5 thoughts on “The Xiaomi mobile phone just bought is broken. What is needed to bring?”

  1. You can take all the products at the time of purchase. If you are convenient, you can also describe the problems you encountered with the official customer service of Xiaomi Mall ~

  2. 1. Non -human damage during the warranty period:

    If it is a mobile phone bought on, you can bring your mobile phone directly to the after -sales.
    If it was not bought on, as long as it is genuine, you can bring your mobile phone directly.

    2, if the human is damaged or exceeds the warranty period during the warranty period, it is directly carried by the mobile phone, and nothing else.

    The warranty rules: ① Buy on Please rest assured that as long as you are a mobile phone ordered by, you can still enjoy the national three packages without an invoice. ② If the user purchase in the business hall: If your mobile invoice is lost, you can bring your contract machine contract to enjoy the national three packages. ③ If the user purchase on other channels: If your mobile invoice is lost, you can contact the dealer to provide the invoice base, and you can enjoy the national three packages.

  3. During the warranty period, non -artificial damage can enjoy one -year warranty.
    M mobile phone bought on and take the mobile phone directly to the after -sales.
    not bought on, with an invoice. If there is no invoice, calculate the warranty period according to the time of the mobile phone factory.

    Human people are damaged, just take the mobile phone directly. The maintenance must be paid.

  4. 1. Non -human damage during the warranty period:

    If it is a mobile phone bought on, you can bring your mobile phone directly to the after -sales.
    If it was not bought on, as long as it is genuine, you can bring your mobile phone directly.

    2, if the human is damaged or exceeds the warranty period during the warranty period, it is directly carried by the mobile phone, and nothing else.

  5. Xiaomi's after -sales can make people collapse, and no product of Xiaomi will be bought from now on. After you have experienced it, you know, Xiaomi is equivalent to no after -sales

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